Sunday, September 9, 2007

Middle East Radio

Perhaps the most common thing one hears on the radio in Egpytian taxis, buses and internet cafes is Quran Radio - recitations from the Quran and other religious programming.

In Israel, the most popular radio station is Galgalatz - Israeli Army Radio. It's run by soldiers and is meant in part to alleviate the tedium of long bus rides. It's also quite fun. The word 'Galgalatz' is derived from the Hebrew acronym for IDF (Israeli Defense Forces).

Quran Radio Cairo


The picture above is of a speaker at a friend's place in Jerusalem. Wrapped around the speaker is a headband taken from a Hamas member by my friend's roommate (a paratrooper in the IDF).

Chris McClure


s. said...

> Wrapped around the speaker is a
> headband taken from a Hamas member
> by my friend's roommate (a
> paratrooper in the IDF)

Uh.. a DEAD Hamas member?


Rory said...

No, the hamas headband was 'liberated' from an apartment in the westbank were soldiers were doing an arrest. For all I know, it belonged to a 5 year old Arab child.